Eleven Weeks out from ACL Surgery

Single foot balancing on the Bosu

Here’s Kaitie at Dartmouth Hitchcock doing rehab with Steve Vincente. She’s eleven weeks out from surgery now. Her strength is improving but since she has been unable to lift more than her body weight, her muscle mass is still lagging. Her right leg is nearly 5 centimeters smaller in diameter than her left leg. But it looks so much better than a month ago. She walks without a limp now!!

Today was the beginning of really adding muscle back. Kaitie’s stabilty is good and she’s now ready for single leg exercises. Steve gave her a bunch of new exercises to increase her muscle mass.   He combined them with balance tools to strengthen the supporting muscles. Below is a video of Kaitie balancing on a Bosu Fitness Ball and bouncing a 8lb medicine ball off a mini- trampoline. Kaitie’s brace comes off in a week and by 6/10 Kaitie should be running. She can lightly jump rope on 6/1. You can see Kaitie’s confidence grow as she does each of these new exercises. Confidence in her knee is growing. Kaitie’s progressing well. Steve is sure she is on track and is confident she will make the August date to return to soccer.

Kaitie is also in a weight training program at KUA. Monday, Wednesday and Friday, Kaitie works out with 8 other soccer players.